Wednesday, January 25, 2012

William and Audrey Take to the Ice!

My father suggested that maybe it was time for William to learn to ice skate (I think my dad secretly wishes for a hockey-playing grandson). We took his advice and headed to the local skate shop. William was ecstatic! Audrey was less enthusiastic about the skates, but enjoyed perusing the pretty skating outfits. We came home with skates, and William and Audrey skipped nap and headed out to the ice.

Ready to go!

William skating to his chair.

William skating into the sunset.

They are both wearing helmets, William just has an extra-large head, so his hat was over his helmet.

The best part of the afternoon was watching Martha try to run on the ice chasing the kids!

Audrey testing the ice.

William was very cautious and deliberate---

---for a few minutes. Then he got fast and silly!

Audrey decided she had enough skating and went to look for beach sand under the snow! Love this girl!!!

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